Do you treat patients with hepatitis? Millions of Americans have this condition, but many of them are unaware that they have been infected. Avella is widely recognized for its specific expertise in management of hepatitis through the most advanced, cutting-edge medications. Our pharmacy team also has a unique understanding of the complexities of managing this condition and other health issues that may accompany it.
To help our hepatitis providers, we have created an easy-to-use downloadable reference chart including newly-released hepatitis medications. This exclusive downloadable reference chart provides a resource for prescribing the latest hepatitis C medications for genotypes 1 through 4, including:

This hepatitis reference chart includes reference information for prescribers such as:
- Treatment History
- Dose
- Duration
- Response Guided Therapy
- Sustained Virologic Response Rate
In addition, this hepatitis resource provides information about patient copay assistance programs, as well as other resources for hepatitis providers and patients.
Remember that Avella provides you with interactive hepatitis referral forms making sending prescriptions to Avella an easy process. Simply download the form, type or print the appropriate information and fax to Avella. Questions? You can ask one of our pharmacists, and a member of our team will be in touch to assist with your HCV medication questions.