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How Gene Therapy Will Change Cancer Treatment

Written by Avella Specialty Pharmacy | Thu, Jan 9, 2020

The latest advances in oncology and gene therapy research are presenting new ways of fighting cancer. One of those is gene therapy, which the U.S. National Library of Medicine defines as an experimental technique that uses genes to treat and prevent disease. By targeting those genes with the right drugs, researchers are finding that it’s possible to destroy cancer cells and block their ability to grow and divide over time. 


Can Gene Therapy Be Used to Fight Cancer?

According to the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, gene therapy has been studied for more than 40 years. It’s a targeted therapy option that’s used to treat complex conditions like muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease by targeting the genes responsible—not to mention many different types of cancer.

Researchers have learned that certain gene mutations take place in different cancers. Gene therapy is a way of targeting the specific, mutated genes contributing to cancer growth and survival. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved targeted gene therapy for treating certain types of cancer—and new discoveries are happening all the time. Though gene therapy can be used to treat cancer alone in some cases, it’s often combined with other forms of treatment, like chemotherapy and radiation.


How Does Avella Support Oncology Patients?

Access to Oncology Specialty Drugs

Treating cancer is already challenging enough without having to search far and wide to access specialty medications. Avella is dedicated to dispensing the latest, most advanced drugs for many different types of cancer. This includes recently approved medications, including less common Limited Distribution Drugs (LDD) that can be difficult to locate.

Here are a few examples of targeted therapy oncology medications that Avella offers:

Clinical Support for Oncology Patients

Navigating cancer treatments is never easy, but it certainly helps when patients have access to clinical support. Avella’s compassionate team members are disease-state-focused, possessing the specific knowledge and expertise that’s necessary for effective treatment. Our clinical staff is available and ready to provide helpful information and practical guidance on everything from safe injections to side effects.

Interactive Medication Adherence Programs

Effective treatment is often contingent on how closely patients follow medication instructions. Medication adherence, or taking medications exactly as prescribed, is essential to get the best results possible. Avella’s interactive text messaging tool was designed to help patients stay on track, with medication dosing and refill reminders sent directly to patients via text message/SMS.

Financial Assistance and Prior Authorization

Oncology medications are often very expensive and can be difficult for patients to afford without support. At Avella, our team members can help with finding (and applying for) financial assistance, which is often made available by drug manufacturers and non-profit organizations. We can also work directly with insurance companies to complete the prior authorization process, which consists of submitting documentation to establish the need for specialty medications.


Researchers continue to learn more about gene therapy and the opportunities it can unlock for oncology patients. Learn about the myriad of ways Avella supports oncology patients as they explore different forms of treatment to fight cancer.