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4 Reasons Why the Fertility Pharmacy You Choose Matters

Written by Avella Specialty Pharmacy | Tue, Dec 10, 2019

It is estimated that one third of U.S. adults (33 percent) have used fertility treatments or know someone who has. And although these treatments can truly be life-changing for those who are struggling to conceive, they can also be highly complex and expensive. Fertility medications, which are often injected, usually require patients to fill prescriptions at a local or national specialty pharmacy.

Specialty pharmacies are exclusively dedicated to providing medications that require specialized storage, handling, and knowledge of conditions being treated. There are significant advantages to filling fertility prescriptions at a specialty pharmacy—especially one that offers the services and support that patients require during treatment.

Wondering what those services are and why it makes a difference? We’ll break down four reasons why the fertility pharmacy you choose matters.


Clinical Expertise

Specialty pharmacists and care coordinators are disease-state-focused, with specialized clinical knowledge that a traditional pharmacy doesn’t offer. Look for a specialty pharmacy that has advanced training in fertility medications and treatments, as staff members will have the expertise required to respond to patient questions accurately. Before choosing a specialty pharmacy, research their experience with fertility drugs to ensure they aren’t new to the field.

Cost-Saving Programs

It’s no secret that fertility drugs are expensive. That’s why cost-savings programs are a core service offered by specialty pharmacies—they offer competitive pricing for fertility medications and can provide patients with helpful financial resources and opportunities for assistance. If a patient qualifies for a pharmaceutical manufacturer or non-profit organization financial assistance program, a specialty pharmacist can also help with filling out and submitting the applications.

Patient Education

Because most fertility treatments require injections, proper administration of injectable drugs is essential to ensure adherence. On-site injection training is not typically available at retail pharmacies, but at specialty pharmacies, it is a standard service offering. A specialty pharmacist can teach fertility patients to draw up the correct dosage into a syringe and prepare the injection site. The specialty pharmacy should have clinical educators to go through the entire process with patients in advance of starting treatments. Additional educational resources, such as patient training videos, are often available anytime for patients with questions.

Customer Support

Fertility patients require 24-hour access to clinical support to ensure proper medication adherence and correct administrations of prescribed medications. It’s essential that call center staff members are specialty-trained and knowledgeable about the characteristics unique to fertility medications, such as requiring refrigeration. This ensures that call center staff members have the expertise required to correctly respond to and resolve patients’ questions about fertility treatments.

Selecting the right pharmacy is essential for navigating the costs and challenges that come with fertility treatments. A fertility pharmacy with specialized programs and services can help reduce medication costs and provide support options that patients need. Researching and weighing your options is key to ensuring that the specialty pharmacy you select is the perfect partner for effective fertility treatments.


Want more guidance on choosing the right fertility pharmacy? Download our free guide to learn the top five considerations for providers and patients when evaluating options.